10 Original Fun Designs On T-shirts For Geeks And Designers

Tell me how you dress and I'll tell you who you are. We also communicate who we are with what we wear and clothes can often be the best showcase for your most spectacular or fun designs. A good example is the selection of shirts that are presented below, most of them taken from Threadless, designed by professionals and amateurs. Enjoy and admire the fantastic drawings of the most creative minds around. And why not? Dare to wear a funny message and get smiles wherever you go. Give your wardrobe a twist with one of these original shirts!

Off the reservoir by Jonah Block

RIDE OR DIE! by Michael Muirhead

Fox Bicycle

W.T.F?, by Blair Sayer

Murder, by Mike Mitchell

Veggies, by Mike Mitchell

Yeah!, by Weston Doty

House Braw, by Alex Solis and Alice X. Zhang

Guess who, by Budi Satria Kwan

Mister Mittens' Big Adventure, by Joe Van Wetering

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